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Part Time Developer Internship

We work in a Linux, Apache, Mysql, and PHP enviornment. You must be either a junior, a senior, or a graduate student. Pursuit of a degree in engineering or computer science while not required is preferred. Oral and written communications skills are as important as technical skills. We support our websites, hosted customer websites, a secure communications platform, and remotely administered servers in geographically diverse locations. Knowledge of BASH and SVN concepts would also be helpful. Java familiarity would also be helpful.

Your responsibilities will encompass software engineering; database administration, infrastructure administration, vendor relationships, customer technical support and such other duties as assigned to you by PAC’s CEO or Chief Technology Officer. Compensation is negotiable. This is a part time 20 hr/week position. After you are fully oriented, more work hours may be available. Full time employment after graduation is also a possibility.

Contact Us for more information.

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