.mdEmail® NHIN

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Utilizing the Latest Technology to Benefit You

Healthcare communications are encrypted and secure nationally The .mdEmail® national health information network conforms to 100% of the HIPAA, HITECH, NHIN Direct Project and FTC Policy by Design Technical, Security and Policy standards.    Watch Video.

max.md utilizes "cloud technology" and a unique (patent pending) infrastructure which allows all .mdEmail® subscribers to conduct peer to peer, physician to patient and business to business electronic communication within a secure global healthcare exchange.

Cloud computing solutions offer increased capacity or capabilities at a fraction of the cost of new hardware or software applications. As a result, users increase office productivity within your existing IT environment or legacy systems, saving time and money. That translates to no work flow disruptions or retraining.

Our tools can be quickly and seamlessly integrated into familiar email clients like Outlook or Thunderbird or Apple Mail; or into other back office applications like Electronic Health Records, Practice Management Systems or HIE configurations. Whether you are a Single Doctor Practice with a laptop and little IT expertise, or a large healthcare organization with its own IT Staff and email server, mdEmail® can transform your office in a matter of hours.

The daily communication challenges of healthcare are time consuming and expensive. Data warehouses and other systems with no ability to communicate "beyond the Firewall", or move sensitive information across the web, are the legacy standard. MaxMD has created the first multi-level secure messaging platform to connect the health care industry, whether communicating in or out of network. Through .mdEmail® and other .md tools, physicians, nurses, labs, hospitals and "Business Associates" can mobilize information (ePHI) through a secure, direct pipeline to improve office productivity. This results in hard dollar saving and less reliance on outdated means of communicating. No more Phone tag, faxing or scanning. The ultimate result is a paperless work environment and the ability to provide better care.

Cloud Technology illustration
.md is the only top level domain (TLD)-wide, interoperable solution of its kind (patent pending). Whether operating within network or beyond the .md domain, .mdEmail® users can securely transmit any document containing ePHI. CCRs, Forms, lab results, pre-visit or post-visit care instructions can be shared in a completely protected manner. With .mdEmail® as a solution, you or your office staff can access your secure communication capability from any computer, tablet or smartphone, at anytime.

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Featured Sites

  • sbAestetics.md is a max.md featured site and uses mdemail secure email products
  • choice.md is a max.md featured site and uses mdemail secure email products
.md domain registration, secure email and email archiving to allow users to be HIPAA compliant

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